Catrina's Caravan #3
In "Catrina's Caravan #3," the captivating tale unfolds as Catrina captures Father Fausto, compelling him to dance to the beat of a conga drum while she shares another enthralling story. The narrative follows Benny Reyes, an aspiring percussionist struggling under the shadow of his father, known as El Ritmo, a legendary figure in the Cuban American music scene. Upon inheriting his father's drums, Benny discovers they possess a dark, insatiable magic that could elevate him to greatness as a conguero, but at a potentially devastating cost. Written by Angel Luis Colon and illustrated by Rod Espinosa, this comic book is part of the "Catrina's Caravan" series published by Scout Comics, blending rich cultural themes with supernatural elements.
- Fans of supernatural and magical realism in storytelling.
- Readers interested in music and its cultural significance, particularly in the Cuban American context.
- Comic book enthusiasts who appreciate unique art styles and engaging narratives.
- Those who enjoy character-driven stories about legacy and personal struggle.
Catrina's Caravan #3
cover type
Soft Cover
Rod Espinosa
Angel Luis Colon
series name
Catrina's Caravan
print color
Full Color
number of pages
Scout Comics
issue number
initial order due
Nov 28, 2024
final order cutoff
Dec 23, 2024
in store date
Jan 29, 2025