Best Image Comics: Week of January 3, 2023
Let's start the new year right! It's time to dive into 2024's first batch of exciting, must-read releases from Image Comics.

It’s a new year with some new comics! While the selection this week is much leaner than usual, you can best believe that each of these is well worth your reading time. We’ve got some returning favorites and ongoing hits for you to dive into as we ring in this new year. Here’s to another exciting year of discovering awesome comics!
Love Everlasting #11
By Tom King, Elsa Charretier, Matt Hollingsworth, and Clayton Cowles

Tom King and Elsa Charretier’s mind-bending series is back with a brand-new story arc. This latest issue finally gives us answers about the Cowboy, the mysterious man who’s been chasing Joan since the very beginning. The story takes us West to explore his origins and clue us in on why Joan is trapped in such a strange world.
Nights #4
By Wyatt Kennedy, Luigi Formisano, Francesco Segala, and Maria Letizia Mirabella

The whole gang has something going on in this latest issue of Nights. Ivory rekindles an old flame while running from his current toxic relationship. Gray is haunted by the violent visions that creep up from her dark side. Meanwhile, Vince is up to his usual lovestruck business. Oh and what’s that? It seems there are some Oddities out there who get a little bit excited when they see the moon. The kids better be careful out there at night.
Paklis #0

It’s time to step back into the world of Paklis! Series creator Dustin Weaver has put together this special stand-alone issue that collects never-before-published stories that detail the origins of Paklis. It’s got everything from superhero action to cyberpunk aesthetics and even a little bit of slice-of-life. This can’t be missed if you’re a fan of the cult classic series!
Destiny Gate #4
By Ryan Cady, Christian Dibari, and Simon Gough

This one is a miniseries finale! With the truth waiting for him back home, Mitchell Slate has one last stop in his journey through a personal gell of fear and memories. The broken-down man must face a big, life-changing decision if he wants to make it out in one piece. Not even The Conductor can help him now.