New Comics this Week: 04/05/23
Image’s best comic returns this week alongside a great collection of titles from both Marvel and DC. Let’s see what new comics this week to look out for!

There are so many new comics this week that have us very excited! With the return of Image’s hottest title and the evolving storylines for fan-favorite characters like Venom and Poison Ivy, it’s looking like another killer week of new comics. Let’s dive straight into our picks of the best new comics this week!
Immoral X-Men #3
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- Published by Marvel Comics

After 1000 years, the sins of Sinister have hit a breaking point. Together with the chimera Rasputin, Sinister continues his fight to escape the hell he singlehandedly created. But with so much time passed, Sinister himself is losing faith in everything he’s done.
Scarlet Witch #4
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- Published by Marvel Comics

Scarlet Witch is quickly learning it’s not easy to run a magic shop in the Marvel Universe. Especially when her enigmatic shopkeeper Darcy Lewis has a dark secret that’s come chasing after her. We can’t wait to have this new comic in our hands this week.
Saga #63
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- Published by Image Comics

With nowhere else to go, Fiona does everything she can to put food on the table for Hazel and Squire, even foraging for scraps at a local food court. They may be living through hell, but at least the kids are safe. For now.
Radiant Pink #4
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- Published by Image Comics

The Massive-Verse continues to grow in the latest issue of Radiant Pink! While Eva and Kelly’s relationship blossoms, their journey together only becomes more perilous. Will they find their way back home or be doomed to crash and burn along the way?
Batman & The Joker: The Deadly Duo #6
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- Published by DC

After uncovering the truth behind who’s been plotting against Batman and The Joker, the two unlikely allies find themselves in the middle of a horrifying wedding ceremony deep within the catacombs underneath Gotham City. With all the bloody turns this adventure has taken the deadly duo on, this is one of the new comics this week that cannot be missed!
Poison Ivy #11
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- Published by DC

It was all rest and relaxation for Ivy until her new powers suddenly got out of control. Now everyone at the spa she’s visiting with her roommate Janet is acting a little bit too frisky. As things get violent, it’s up to Ivy to protect the woman she had set out to destroy.
Adventures of Superman: Jon Kent #2
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- Published by DC

Across the Multiverse, Kal-Els are being murdered by the unstoppable Ultraman. With the help of Val-Zod, the Superman of Earth-2, Jon sets out to stop Ultraman’s path of destruction. Only when he confronts the deranged Superman does Jon realize that there’s an even greater threat behind it all.
Venom #18
- By Al Ewing,
- Published by Marvel Comics

Reeling from the events of Dark Web, Eddie Brock is battered and alone. In the darkest hour of his mystic adventure, a light appears before Eddie to guide the way against all his demons. But what will he become when he reaches the other side?
Batman #134
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- Published by DC

With the Red Mask gaining more power with each victim he claims, Batman is the only one standing between the nefarious villain and a powerless Gotham City. It’s up to the Dark Knight to fight tooth and nail to stop the body count from piling up.
Wolverine #32
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- Published by Marvel Comics

In Beast’s desperate struggle to be the “savior” of mutantkind, he created a personal army of Wolverine close. To no one’s surprise, the real Logan is not happy about Beast’s actions. In this battle of Wolverines, there can only be one left standing! Among the new comics this week, this one is sure to be the most action-packed!