The Remarried Empress Vol. 1
Writer: Alphatart
Artist: Sumpul
Publisher: Ize Press, Yen Press
Release Date: November 22, 2022
Page Count: 256
Format: Tpb
In the captivating first volume of “The Remarried Empress,” the creators skillfully introduce the main characters, their unique quirks, and dynamic relationships. Full of drama and intrigue, this manhwa will send readers on an emotional spiral filled with characters you’ll love and love to hate.

The Remarried Empress Vol. 1
ReviewWriter: Alphatart
Artist: Sumpul
Publisher: Ize Press, Yen Press
Release Date: November 22, 2022
Page Count: 256
Format: Tpb
In the captivating first volume of “The Remarried Empress,” the creators skillfully introduce the main characters, their unique quirks, and dynamic relationships. Full of drama and intrigue, this manhwa will send readers on an emotional spiral filled with characters you’ll love and love to hate.
“The Remarried Empress” is widely known by many webtoon readers as one of the first romance fantasy series to popularize the “noble female lead gets her lover stolen by another woman” trend. While so many other stories have come and gone, this comic remains the pinnacle of that concept. As someone who has been reading the series since its weekly releases, it’s been a favorite of mine for a long time. But by this point, details in the early parts of the story have gotten fuzzy for me. Seeing that Yen/Ize Press has since published the webtoon in printed manhwa form, I took it as an opportunity to jump back into the emotional rollercoaster that hooked me in with its beautifully dramatic story. For my full thoughts on the manhwa, continue down below!

Navier was the perfect empress. She was regal, intelligent, and beloved by her people. Though Navier did not marry her husband Sovieshu for love, the man was a good childhood friend, a cordial gentleman, and a respectable emperor. Together, they were the perfect royal couple beloved by their loyal people. Navier was content with her life and could not wish it any other way. That is until the day when Sovieshu gets enamored by a runaway slave named Rashta. Navier’s control as empress wavers as the emperor and his new mistress overturn noble society with their relationship. Then, when Sovieshu finally demands a divorce, Navier is determined not to back down without a fight.
After experiencing the early parts of The Remarried Empress again, I realized how extraordinary the writing and artistic details are at establishing characters. This volume is packed with skillfully written dialogue that shapes characters and moves the story in climactic directions. For Navier, she is a character often held on a pedestal for being the perfect empress. But in reality, she is still just another human being who was once a young girl with big dreams. She is a hard-working woman without a drop of ill intent, as she only wishes for the good of her people. Navier’s diverse character expressions are a detail in the manhwa’s art I adore. When she must play the role of empress, she is drawn as regal and stoic. But when she deals with Sovieshu and Rashta, she looks more cold and sharp. Then, in moments when she can relax, her eyes are wide, bright, and glowing. The changes in her physical appearance reflect the face she must uphold and the face no one sees. Such artistic detail to express the story’s point makes Navier a female lead who is effortlessly endearing as she goes through her struggles. While it’s easy to hate Sovieshu and Rashta, Navier is the heroine you can’t help but root for.

But a story as dramatic as this would be nothing without its duo of masterfully written villains. Sovieshu and Rashta exceptionally fit the bill of villains who are so fun to hate. The two are mind-numbingly infuriating in the most entertaining ways possible. In Sovieshu’s case, his betrayal against Navier was not one of love but of trust, friendship, and duty. Core to the story’s drama is realizing that the emperor willingly throws away a friend, wife, and empress for a pretty girl who offers nothing but empty flattery. He often loses his charm and composure when speaking to Navier about Rashta. As I’ve seen from other romance fantasies, characters like Sovieshu (the OG lover who spurns the female lead) get chances to redeem their horrible qualities. But in Sovieshu’s case, he is always quick to show how he’s beyond redemption. By the end of volume one, you can tell there is nothing that can help him escape the fiery pit of hate accumulated by readers like me.
Rashta, on the other hand, is an interesting case in this manhwa. I still remember from the first time I read “The Remarried Empress,” Rashta’s fictional existence tormented me as much as it did Navier. She’s a viper—cunning and pure evil and only wants things for the sake of having them. But after rereading the manhwa, I realized that Rashta isn’t as threatening as I first believed her to be, but still a fascinating villain who brings unique layers to the story. She resorts to shameless and petty tactics when she doesn’t get what she wants or gets caught in a lie. But while Rashta poses no threat to Navier because of her position, she is shrewd enough to manipulate Sovieshu and his immense political power. The coy and innocent act Rashta puts up, along with her wily tongue and crocodile tears, makes her a popular villain to hate. There is a palpable sense of dread every time she and Sovieshu are together, proving how good the author is at crafting all kinds of characters.

Final Thoughts
Upon my second read-through, I realized that Remarried Empress is a story that will always be fun to read. I feel a bit foolish thinking I wouldn’t be as emotionally volatile this time, despite having already read the story. But that strong emotional response I still got from reading again is a testament to how timeless of a story it is. If you’re new to “The Remarried Empress,” stop waiting and start reading! Check out the manhwa version if you’ve read the Webtoon version already. This beautiful manhwa is one emotional rollercoaster ride worth getting on multiple times.
Why You Should Read The Remarried Empress
- Navier’s journey through betrayal and revenge is thrilling to follow.
- Sovieshu and Rashta are infuriating characters who are fun to hate.
- Far from boring, the manhwa’s brilliant narrative execution makes it a delight to read more than once.