Zorro: Man of the Dead #4
Writer: Sean Gordon Murphy
Artist: Sean Gordon Murphy
Publisher: Massive Publishing
Release Date: May 1, 2024
Page Count: 32
Format: Single-issue
Sean Gordon Murphy once again delivers on a bold reimagining of one of fiction’s most iconic masked vigilantes. Zorro: Man of the Dead #4 caps off what has been an incredible miniseries with an issue packed with guns-blazing and swashbuckling action.

Zorro: Man of the Dead #4
ReviewWriter: Sean Gordon Murphy
Artist: Sean Gordon Murphy
Publisher: Massive Publishing
Release Date: May 1, 2024
Page Count: 32
Format: Single-issue
Sean Gordon Murphy once again delivers on a bold reimagining of one of fiction’s most iconic masked vigilantes. Zorro: Man of the Dead #4 caps off what has been an incredible miniseries with an issue packed with guns-blazing and swashbuckling action.
With the success of the Batman: White Knight series, Sean Gordon Murphy has been one of the comic book industry’s most popular creators in recent years. But even while the “Murphyverse” is picking up steam at DC, the creator continues to explore different ways of telling new stories.
So is the tale of Zorro: Man of the Dead. Hyped up as “Don Quixote meets Narcos,” the series launched under Massive Publishing through a highly successful Kickstarter campaign that blew past its projected goals in record time. The series has since delivered on being a bold reimagining of a masked vigilante who fights to protect the city he grew up in. Sounds familiar, doesn’t it? Parallelism aside, the finale to the miniseries just dropped and I have some thoughts on it. If you’re interested in reading the series, you can check it out on the Omnibus app. In the meantime, keep reading for my full review of Zorro: Man of the Dead #4!
After an intense gunfight between the cartel and rebels, both sides regroup and plan out their next move. While Diego and the others regroup and figure out how to rescue Rosa, Rojo plans to make an example of the girl to stake his claim over the valley. Just as when all hope seems lost, Diego reveals his true face as a hero and inspires the people of La Vega to rise up against the faction that has oppressed them for decades.

As someone who has been a fan of Sean Gordon Murphy since reading Grant Morrison’s Joe the Barbarian many years ago, his fantastic art has always been more than enough reason for me to jump into his comics. That made reading Zorro: Man of the Dead an absolute no-brainer. But just like when I first read Batman: White Knight, what really hooked me on this series was Murphy's grasp on reimagining a legendary character in a way I’ve never seen before. With traits similar to Don Quixote, this version of Zorro is as tragic as he is heroic because of Diego’s traumatic delusions of being the famed masked hero. But in this final issue, we see Diego literally and figuratively remove the mask he spent his whole life hiding behind. Only to reveal that his “true” self is exactly the hero he has always claimed to be. While the series has shown Diego do so many flashy and heroic acts, the character development he goes through in this final issue makes every time he swings his sword hit so much harder.
If you’ve been following the series, it should come as no surprise that this final issue is packed with incredible art by Murphy, with colors by Simon Gough, and letters by DC Hopkins. The unique shot framing and action choreography make for a thrilling climax to the story. And even though the lightning-fast pacing creates some minor plot holes (ironically, SGM has a series titled Plot Holes also being published by Massive), it’s easy to get swept away by intense moment-to-moment action. The fantastic final action sequence then culminates in two of the series’ most visually striking full-page spreads. I’d argue that those two pages alone are well worth the price of the entire issue.

Finally, something that also stood out to me in this issue is how, despite mostly being a modern reimagining of the character, parts in the story still embrace the campiness that makes Zorro so beloved. Particularly, having Bandido, Diego’s pet fox, be a constant sidekick who sneaks and fights alongside the others adds a unique touch to an otherwise gritty story. The fact that the sly little fox plays such a pivotal role leading up to the story’s climax shows there are dashes of whimsy sprinkled throughout this action-packed story.
Final Thoughts
After four incredible issues, Zorro: Man of the Dead delivers a stylish and action-packed miniseries that’s a fun ride from start to finish. As a modern reimagining of a legendary character who has been in everything from novels to movies, the comic book series beautifully captures the spirit and flair of Zorro that transcends mediums and generations. Considering the success of the Kickstarter campaign, this finale is a satisfying finish to a comic that many readers were excited to see come to life. Sean Gordon Murphy continues to carve his way as a creator who always finds new and exciting spins on beloved characters, leaving me excited to see what comes next.

Why You Should Read Zorro: Man of the Dead
- Being only four issues long, the series is a fun, fast-paced ride from start to finish.
- Whether it’s action set pieces or talking heads, Sean Gordon Murphy’s art shines across every panel.
- The story blends elements of Narcos and Don Quixote to create a modern reimagining of one of literature’s most iconic characters.