Batman and Robin #15
In "Batman and Robin #15," the Dynamic Duo faces an unprecedented challenge as they attend a charity banquet that erupts into chaos. Stripped of their iconic costumes and gadgets, Batman and Robin must confront the enigmatic villain known as Memento, who has ignited a fire that threatens their very existence. This gripping installment, penned by Phillip Kennedy Johnson and illustrated by Javier Fernandez, delves into a century-old tragedy from Gotham's history, revealing Memento's chilling connection to the Dark Knight's past. As the stakes rise, readers are invited to uncover the mysteries that bind father and son in this thrilling continuation of the Batman and Robin series.
- Fans of Batman and Robin and the broader DC Comics universe.
- Readers who enjoy character-driven narratives with high-stakes action.
- Those interested in exploring the psychological depth of iconic superheroes.
- Comic book collectors looking to complete their Batman and Robin series.
Batman and Robin #15
cover type
Soft Cover
Javier Fernandez
Phillip Kennedy Johnson
series name
Batman and Robin
print color
Full Color
number of pages
DC Comics
issue number
initial order due
Sep 26, 2024
final order cutoff
Oct 21, 2024
in store date
Nov 13, 2024