Flash Gordon Adventures HC #1
"Flash Gordon Adventures HC #1" is an engaging all-ages comic book series crafted by the award-winning duo of Art Baltazar and Franco. This delightful volume invites readers to join the iconic Flash Gordon, Dale Arden, and Dr. Zarkov as they embark on zany escapades against the nefarious Ming the Merciless. With humor and heart, the story imparts valuable life lessons about friendship and teamwork, all while exploring whimsical concepts like alien gravity and the importance of lizard machines. The vibrant artwork by Baltazar and Franco enhances the fun, making it a perfect read for fans of "Tiny Titans" and "Itty Bitty Hellboy." Published by Papercutz, this hardcover edition is a must-have for both new and longtime fans of the Flash Gordon franchise.
- Children and young readers looking for fun, adventurous stories.
- Fans of Art Baltazar and Franco's previous works, such as "Tiny Titans."
- Parents seeking engaging and humorous comic books for family reading.
- Collectors of classic comic book characters and franchises.
Flash Gordon Adventures HC #1
cover type
Hard Cover
Art Baltazar,Franco Aureliani,John Patrick Green
Art Baltazar,Franco Aureliani,John Patrick Green
series name
Flash Gordon Adventures HC
print color
Full Color
number of pages
issue number
initial order due
Sep 26, 2024
final order cutoff
Oct 28, 2024
in store date
Nov 27, 2024