Galaxy of Madness #5
"Galaxy of Madness #5" follows the crew of the Verisimilitude as they uncover five enigmatic artifacts, each holding locked secrets. The brilliant Septima, renowned for her ability to solve the unsolvable, embarks on a quest that leads her to the ancient word "Anacaan," the fabled homeland of the Suppala and the origin of Krios. As tensions rise, Vigil insists on traveling to Anacaan to uncover the truth behind her parents' disappearance, but Krios warns that the ancient land is not welcoming. This gripping installment, written by Magdalene Visaggio and illustrated by Michael Avon Oeming, continues to expand the thrilling narrative of the "Galaxy of Madness" series, blending mystery and adventure in a richly crafted universe.
- Fans of science fiction and fantasy comics
- Readers who enjoy intricate puzzles and mysteries
- Those interested in character-driven narratives with strong female leads
- Followers of the "Galaxy of Madness" series looking to continue the story
Galaxy of Madness #5
cover type
Soft Cover
Michael Avon Oeming
Magdalene Visaggio
series name
Galaxy of Madness
print color
Full Color
number of pages
Mad Cave Studios
issue number
initial order due
Sep 26, 2024
final order cutoff
Oct 21, 2024
in store date
Nov 20, 2024