I Can't Say No to the Lonely Girl #5
"I Can't Say No to the Lonely Girl #5" is a captivating yuri manga that follows the story of Ayaka, a diligent high school student whose academic aspirations are threatened by performance anxiety. When she encounters Sora, a lonely classmate with a devious side, Ayaka finds herself caught in a web of blackmail that could lead to unexpected romance. Sora's unconventional methods include a drastic punishment for failing exams: a month without physical contact. As Ayaka grapples with the pressure, readers will be drawn into a tale of self-restraint and the sweet rewards of overcoming challenges. This installment is part of the popular "I Can't Say No to the Lonely Girl" series, written by Kashikaze and published by Kodansha Comics, making it a must-read for yuri enthusiasts.
- Fans of yuri manga and romantic storylines.
- Readers interested in character-driven narratives with emotional depth.
- High school drama enthusiasts looking for relatable themes.
- Those following the "I Can't Say No to the Lonely Girl" series.
I Can't Say No to the Lonely Girl #5
cover type
Soft Cover
series name
I Can't Say No to the Lonely Girl
number of pages
Kodansha Comics
issue number
initial order due
Sep 01, 2024
final order cutoff
Oct 21, 2024
in store date
Nov 19, 2024