Kid Maroon #1
"Kid Maroon #1" marks the triumphant return of the world's only hard-boiled boy detective after 75 years, presented in a stunning double-length issue. Created by acclaimed writer Christopher Cantwell, known for his work on "Iron Man" and "Doctor Doom," alongside artist Victor Santos, this comic follows 12-year-old Walden Maroon as he navigates the treacherous streets of Crimeville. Once a small-town boy, Walden now faces a series of gruesome murders and arsons that threaten his community. Armed with his quick wits and a trusty slingshot, he must confront the darkness around him while grappling with his own desire to experience the carefree joys of childhood. This thrilling debut sets the stage for an exciting new series from Vault Comics.
- Fans of detective stories and noir genres.
- Readers who enjoy coming-of-age narratives with a twist.
- Those who appreciate the works of Christopher Cantwell and Victor Santos.
- Comic book enthusiasts looking for fresh, engaging content.
Kid Maroon #1
cover type
Soft Cover
Victor Santos
Christopher Cantwell,Victor Santos
series name
Kid Maroon
print color
Full Color
number of pages
Vault Comics
issue number
initial order due
Sep 26, 2024
final order cutoff
Oct 07, 2024
in store date
Nov 06, 2024