Little Batman Month One #1
"Little Batman Month One #1" continues the thrilling adventures of Damian Wayne, also known as Little Batman, in the aftermath of the Joker's devastating attack on Gotham City. As the city grapples with chaos, Damian is eager to don the cowl once more, but his father, Bruce Wayne, urges him to appreciate the importance of his secret identity. When a mysterious guest disrupts the Wayne New Year's Eve Party, Damian must navigate the complexities of his dual personas to save the day. This comic book, penned by screenwriter Morgan Evans and illustrated by Jon Mikel, offers fans a fresh narrative following the rerelease of the acclaimed film this winter, making it a must-read for enthusiasts of the franchise.
- Fans of the "Little Batman" film and its characters.
- Readers who enjoy superhero comics with a focus on character development.
- Young readers looking for engaging stories about identity and heroism.
- Collectors of DC Comics and those interested in new comic book series.
Little Batman Month One #1
cover type
Soft Cover
Jon Mikel
Morgan Evans
series name
Little Batman Month One
print color
Full Color
number of pages
DC Comics
issue number
initial order due
Sep 26, 2024
final order cutoff
Oct 14, 2024
in store date
Nov 06, 2024