Masters of the Universe: Revolution
"Masters of the Universe: Revolution" is an official graphic novel prequel to the Netflix series, delving into the origins of the iconic rivalry between Hordak and Skeletor. This thrilling four-issue series, crafted by Tim Sheridan and illustrated by Daniel HDR, explores a foretold prophecy that intertwines the fates of these two formidable foes. As Hordak, an ambitious general, teams up with Skeletor, an aspiring mage, they seek to combine ancient Eternian magic with advanced Horde technology to fulfill their dark ambitions. However, their partnership is fraught with tension as they must navigate their own treacherous desires. Published by Dark Horse Comics, this graphic novel is a must-read for fans of the franchise and newcomers alike.
- Fans of the Netflix series "Masters of the Universe: Revolution."
- Readers interested in graphic novels and comic book adaptations.
- Those who enjoy stories of rivalry and power struggles in fantasy settings.
- Collectors of Dark Horse Comics and related media.
Masters of the Universe: Revolution
cover type
Soft Cover
Daniel HDR
Tim Sheridan
print color
Full Color
number of pages
Dark Horse Comics
initial order due
Sep 01, 2024
final order cutoff
Oct 14, 2024
in store date
Jan 14, 2025