Run Wild: Sa Ye (Novel) #1
"Run Wild: Sa Ye (Novel) #1" is the limited edition debut of a captivating series originally released in Chinese, which has inspired various multimedia adaptations. The story follows seventeen-year-old Jiang Cheng, who is sent to a desolate northern town to live with his neglectful father after being cast aside by his adoptive parents. There, he encounters Gu Miao, a troubled girl, and her brother Gu Fei, a boy with musical notes shaved into his hair. As they navigate their disillusionment, an unexpected bond forms between Jiang Cheng and Gu Fei, offering a glimmer of hope in their bleak surroundings. This special edition includes bonus merchandise such as a double-sided bookmark, a lined notebook, polaroids of the main characters, and a sticker sheet, along with new art from guest artists.
- Fans of contemporary young adult fiction.
- Readers interested in stories of friendship and personal growth.
- Those who enjoy multicultural narratives and adaptations.
- Collectors of limited edition books and exclusive merchandise.
Run Wild: Sa Ye (Novel) #1
cover type
Soft Cover
Wu Zhe
series name
Run Wild: Sa Ye (Novel)
number of pages
Seven Seas Entertainment
issue number
initial order due
Oct 01, 2024
final order cutoff
Nov 18, 2024
in store date
Jan 21, 2025