The Boy I Loved Became the Jaded Emperor 2
In the final volume of "The Boy I Loved Became the Jaded Emperor," a captivating josei manga by Ii Oshikawa, the story unfolds as Prince Alexei, once saved by a forest creature, now reigns as Emperor, driven by a thirst for revenge. The tale takes a bittersweet turn when Alexei encounters the creature, reborn as a reserved duke's daughter with her own hidden truths. Set against the backdrop of an imperial court filled with intrigue, this poignant narrative explores themes of destiny, recognition, and the scars of the past. With stunning artwork by Mitsuya Fuji, this volume promises to deliver an emotional conclusion to a story of love, loss, and redemption.
- Fans of josei manga and fairy tale adaptations.
- Readers interested in complex character relationships and emotional depth.
- Those who enjoyed "The Ex-Villainess's Unsightly Daughter" by the same creator.
- Anyone looking for a blend of fantasy, romance, and palace intrigue.
The Boy I Loved Became the Jaded Emperor 2
cover type
Soft Cover
Mitsuya Fuji
Ii Oshikawa
series name
The Boy I Loved Became the Jaded Emperor
number of pages
Kodansha Comics
initial order due
Sep 01, 2024
final order cutoff
Oct 28, 2024
in store date
Nov 26, 2024