
Reviews, Comics
Duke #5 Review: Pulling the Trigger
Grit your teeth for this action-packed miniseries finale that pits Duke against his toughest foe yet within the Energon Universe.

Comics, Reviews
Duke #2 Review: Man on the Run
Buckle up for this latest comic review of Joshua Willamson and Tom Reilly’s Duke, the most action-packed series of Skybound’s Energon Universe.

Reviews, Comics
Duke #5 Review: Pulling the Trigger
Grit your teeth for this action-packed miniseries finale that pits Duke against his toughest foe yet within the Energon Universe.

Comics, Reviews
Duke #2 Review: Man on the Run
Buckle up for this latest comic review of Joshua Willamson and Tom Reilly’s Duke, the most action-packed series of Skybound’s Energon Universe.