Ashita no Joe: Fighting for Tomorrow #1
"Ashita no Joe: Fighting for Tomorrow #1" marks the long-awaited English debut of a monumental manga series that has captivated audiences worldwide. Created by writer Asao Takamori and artist Tetsuya Chiba, this gripping tale follows Joe Yabuki, a young drifter in Tokyo's slums, who discovers his fighting prowess after a confrontation with local thugs. His raw talent catches the eye of Danpei Tange, a washed-up boxer who sees potential in Joe and urges him to train. As Joe faces the harsh realities of juvenile detention, he realizes that honing his skills is essential for survival and success. This hardcover edition from Kodansha USA brings a classic story to a new generation, celebrating its cultural significance and the impact of its acclaimed anime adaptation.
- Fans of classic manga and anime looking to explore foundational works in the genre.
- Readers interested in stories of personal growth, resilience, and the journey to success.
- Those who appreciate sports narratives, particularly in boxing and martial arts.
- Collectors of high-quality hardcover editions of influential graphic novels.
Ashita no Joe: Fighting for Tomorrow #1
cover type
Soft Cover
Tetsuya Chiba
Asao Takamori
series name
Ashita no Joe: Fighting for Tomorrow
print color
Full Color
number of pages
Kodansha USA
issue number
initial order due
Oct 01, 2024
final order cutoff
Nov 25, 2024
in store date
Dec 24, 2024