I'm Standing on a Million Lives #18
"I'm Standing on a Million Lives #18" is an engaging action-packed manga that has captivated audiences and inspired an anime adaptation. The story follows Yusuke Yotsuya, a teenage loner who finds himself transported to a fantasy world alongside his two formidable female classmates, who take on the roles of a wizard and a warrior. However, Yusuke awakens as a farmer, leading to a unique twist on the hero's journey. As they navigate this new realm, the trio faces challenges set by a mysterious figure from the future, ultimately fighting not just for their survival but for the fate of millions. Created by writer Naoki Yamakawa and artist Akinari Nao, this installment continues to build on the thrilling narrative of the series published by Kodansha Comics.
- Fans of action and fantasy manga, particularly those who enjoy series like Sword Art Online.
- Readers interested in character development and unique twists on traditional hero tropes.
- Anime enthusiasts looking for manga that complements popular adaptations.
- Those who appreciate stories that blend adventure with strategic gameplay elements.
I'm Standing on a Million Lives #18
cover type
Soft Cover
Akinari Nao
Naoki Yamakawa
series name
I'm Standing on a Million Lives
number of pages
Kodansha Comics
issue number
initial order due
Sep 01, 2024
final order cutoff
Oct 28, 2024
in store date
Nov 26, 2024