
5 Romance Webtoons to Read Without Daily Pass

Steady yourself to explore these romance webtoons that will leave your heart feeling full from a wild roller coaster of emotions.

5 Romance Webtoons That Give All the Feels cover
By: Amy MouaJun 6, 2024, 12:14 PM

Do you enjoy getting lost in the emotions between fictional characters and their fiery feelings of love? Or in their moments of gut-wrenching hopelessness in the wake of heartbreak? Or the time that they spend in the embrace of wholesome love? Well, I’ve got five romance webtoons that don't require daily passes, so you can read to your heart’s content. Each will deliver what you’re looking for and hit you square in the feels. Continue down to learn more about these heartfelt gems!

My Reason to Die


Genre: Romance

Episodes: 93, Ongoing

My Reason to Die webtoonImage: Webtoon

Ji-O’s goal in life is to go pro in taekwondo and earn enough money to help support her struggling parents and younger brother. However, an accident leaves Ji-O with a broken leg and unable to try out for nationals. Forced to rest, she spends her days listless—until she meets Gyeol, the handsome and charming boy with a bad reputation. After Ji-O constantly runs into him, she learns there may be more to this bad boy than rumors make. But is there really a different side to him, or is he just playing with her heart?

My Reason to Die” is full of angst and romantic tension. Beautifully written and drawn, the chemistry between the main characters simply oozes from the illustrations. You’ll get to follow Ji-O and Gyeol as they transition and grow through their young adulthood. This webtoon is one rollercoaster of emotions you won’t want to miss. And with 93 episodes to read without needing a daily pass, what more could you ask for?

Who this is for:

  • Readers who want a bit of intensity in their romance stories
  • People who also enjoyed the popular webtoon “Nevertheless” by Jeongseo

It Rains on Precious Days


Genre: Romance

Episodes: 84, Ongoing

It Rains on Precious Days webtoonImage: Webtoon

Many women dream of becoming a wife, and Kyoko always thought she’d also end up as one. But after her boyfriend of five years suddenly breaks up with her, Kyoko makes the ultimate decision to move to Tokyo and pursue a new job. It’s while nursing a broken heart and building her career that she meets Yoichi. His kind personality had Kyoko slowly falling in love again despite him being 17 years her senior. But love doesn’t come easy as timing falls short for her and her newfound love. On top of that, two other men in her life add to the troubles within her heart.

It Rains on Precious Days” softly depicts the complications of navigating love as adults. The webtoon shows a side not often seen in romance stories: the complex thoughts and processes of balancing romance and life goals. This series is a good webtoon that will open your mind to how you view the way someone may love another person at a certain stage in their life.

Who this is for:

  • People who like the Studio Ghibli art style.
  • Readers looking for a romance webtoon with a deeper message

Amid the Changing Seasons


Genre: Romance

Episodes: 61, Ongoing

Amid the Changing Seasons webtoonImage: Webtoon

Amid the Changing Seasons” focuses on multiple characters and their love stories in an anthology-like narrative. From falling in love with a married man to keeping strong in a high school relationship, this webtoon explores the different sides of love as the daily lives of these ordinary people unknowingly intertwine.

Another great webtoon by creators RYO and YABOMI, but this one portrays the various types of love experienced by people from different backgrounds. Even though the storylines can get heavy, the creators keep it light with elegant prose and soft-colored illustrations without losing any realistic or relatable factors.

Who this is for:

  • People who like the Studio Ghibli art style.
  • Readers who want a realistic portrayal of romance and relationships

To My First Love

By LIse, Songjoo Yoo

Genre: Romance

Episodes: 57, Completed

To My First Love webtoonImage: Webtoon

Misfortune targets Jisu a lot. Having lost her parents in an accident when she was only a child, she loses her only other family member when her grandmother dies. Left as an orphan, Hyesuk, a past student of Jisu’s grandmother, comes to her rescue by providing emotional and financial support. Feeling immense gratitude, Jisu does her best to return the favor, which includes getting along with their indifferent son, Hajin. However, pretty soon Jisu is faced with unexpected feelings she isn’t sure she should have.

To My First Love” is a cute webtoon that just recently finished. There’s a fresh feeling of youth to the story as it centers on the ups and downs of an innocent first love that began between teenagers. It’s your conventional boy meets girl story, but one that will get you in your feels nonetheless.

Who this is for:

  • People who want a completed series to read.
  • Readers who like stories about first loves.

A Heartfelt Andante

By Na Yoonhee

Genre: Drama

Episodes: 56, Ongoing

A Heartfelt Andante webtoonImage: Webtoon

Da-ul was diagnosed with a heart disease when he was only 12 years old. After spending years in the hospital, his fate seemed grim with no donor. That was until the day the death of famous pianist Yuwon saves him. With a second chance at life, Da-ul vowed not to take the new heart for granted and to live his life to the fullest. But upon learning years later of a secret connected to Yuwon’s heart, a guilty Da-ul takes it upon himself to help Yeonjo, Yuwon’s grieving fiancé. But what will Da-ul do when his guilt turns into something else?

A Heartfelt Andante” is a melancholic tale about life, love, loss, and those stuck between them. By the first episode, a sick and young Da-ul will immediately strike a chord. Creator Na Yoonhee is best known for their other drama webtoon “Whale Star: The Gyeongseong Mermaid,”  which became a tear-jerking sensation. So, I recommend getting some tissues ready for this one too. You’ll breeze right through this series without a daily pass.

Who this is for:

  • People who enjoy K-Drama.
  • People who want a therapeutic knife to the heart (metaphorically, of course.)

TAGGED: Webtoon