Nights #3
Writer: Wyatt Kennedy
Artist: Luigi Formisano
Publisher: Image Comics
Release Date: December 5, 2023
Page Count: 32
Format: Single-issue
Packed with moments of youthful charm, romance, and some bloody violence, Nights delivers a great issue that develops more of its fascinating world.

Nights #3
ReviewWriter: Wyatt Kennedy
Artist: Luigi Formisano
Publisher: Image Comics
Release Date: December 5, 2023
Page Count: 32
Format: Single-issue
Packed with moments of youthful charm, romance, and some bloody violence, Nights delivers a great issue that develops more of its fascinating world.
If I were to name any new series this year as a hidden gem, it would be Nights. Written by Wyatt Kennedy with art from Luigi Formisano and colors by Francesco Segala, the comic brings to life a unique and vibrant world filled with charm, mystery, and adorable romantic chemistry. Following the lives and hijinks of Vince, Gray, and the gang has been so much fun as the story gets more intriguing with each new issue. What to know more about what’s going on now in the streets of Santo Pedro? Read on and check out my review of Nights #3!

Gray sets out on a mission to replace Vince’s broken skateboard. Everything was going how she wanted it to until a familiar face reared its ugly head. It’s from there that things get a little bit bloody across town.
Meanwhile, Vince gets visited by some of Gray’s old “workmates.” While wearing some very slick outfits, they come bearing warnings about things to come. It seems there’s plenty more about Gray than she’s been letting on.
The quirky thing about this latest issue is that it feels like a mishmash of different events, but the witty writing and beautiful art make everything just oh-so-fun to read through. Scenes will constantly jump between Gray’s little side mission throughout town and Vince’s day hanging out with friends and meeting strange new people. However, the more notable storyline between the two is what’s going on with Gray. This issue finally gives us a taste of how powerful and strange her abilities as a vampire can be. In what is the series' best action sequence so far, Gray shows she can handle herself very well in a fight using insane strength and grotesque-looking regenerative powers. Considering she likes to call herself “the greatest vampire who’s ever lived,” I’m more inclined now to believe her word on that. Then, as the dust settles on such a crazy issue, it wraps up with a wholesome moment between Gray and Vince that beautifully ties everything together. It’s just good stuff all around having the best girl and best boy share some alone time after being away from each other for the entire issue.

Apart from the action and romantic tension in the air, the big thing about this issue is how it introduces plenty of new characters and concepts that bring interesting new layers to Night’s mysterious story. As fun as it’s been following Vince’s charming coming-of-age, it’s much clearer now that there’s something more sinister going on in the world of Nights. The first issue did drop a massive teaser for what the future of that world holds, after all. With the introduction of these new characters, Directors Tsukumari and Tsukumary (no relation), we learn about an organization of “Oddity Hunters” and how Gray used to be a part of it. From everything we’ve seen from the story so far, it’s exciting to consider what other strange and violent monsters are lurking in the shadows. It’s crazy to think there’s already so much to theorize about this comic when we’re only at the third issue.
What I’ve also been loving about this series are all the extra features the creators put into making each issue feel unique. By following the comic from month to month, you get a look into what new shirts and merch are dropping in their store. With new designs every month, it’s been a great way to discover different amazing artists, even if you don’t end up ordering a shirt. Not only that, but each issue also comes with a small Spotify companion playlist to go with it. So, beyond what you get from the comic’s already awesome story, following the series religiously feels like you get treated to so much more. Having all these little extras to look out for really drives home the creative team’s passion for the strange and fantastic world they’ve created.

Final Thoughts
This latest issue of Nights has it all. You’ve got some blood, action, witty character banter, and a little bit of romance mixed into one incredible issue. This series continues to be one I eagerly look forward to every month because there’s so much to it that makes the story such a special read. With so much mystery still revolving around Gray and the “Oddities,” I’m hooked on seeing more strangeness there is to discover in the comic’s fascinating world.
Why You Should Read Nights
- The mystery behind Gray and her past is slowly starting to unravel.
- The art team of Luigi Formisano and Francesco Segala is incredible throughout this series.
- Amidst all the fantasy and mystery elements is a charming romance between two loveable characters.